The Poe-Tell

Justin, Tiffany, Lucy Anne, and Uncle Buck (the only pet we have mounted in our room overlooking our bed)

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Location: United States

Monday, October 24, 2005

Daddy/Daughter Camping Trip

This weekend was quite a busy one for us!!! I had already committed myself to Bunko and a garage sale, so Justin saw this time as a great opportunity to take Lucy Anne on her first camping trip! Wow, I thought. Have you thought this through . . . taking a 21 month old, alone, camping??? Really, I thought she would have the best time. I was only concerned about the sleeping arrangements. It's not everyday she sleeps in a tent. So, I suggested the Pack'n'Play, but he opted for a good ol' pallet on the tent floor. They left Friday evening around 5:00 and apparently had to park and walk to the campsite (two trips). Thank you to the gentleman who helped them. Anyway, it was near dark when Justin began setting up the tent. There is a fire ban, so Justin used his camping lantern and little stove to boil hot dogs and roast marshmallows. He says she prefers her marshmallows unroasted. Finally, they went to sleep around 10:30 in the tent. Then at 12:30, she awakened, "squalling" (as Justin put it). The next hour was an up 'n' down, try to figure out what will work to get her to go back to sleep and not wake up the whole camp ground, ordeal. Justin actually told me he wondered if maybe this wasn't the best idea . . . I tried not to laugh and tell him "I told you so." Eventually, she went back to sleep and they got up before the "sun woke up". The only part of the story that you will get from Lucy Anne is that she and Daddy yelled at the sun to wake up. The rest of the morning was spent playing around in the woods before they came home to take a nap.

Our next event on the weekend agenda was to our Small Group Bible Study Halloween Party. Lucy Anne went as a strawberry and Justin was Uncle Ricco from Napoleon Dynamite. We had a great time . . . good food, a bounce house, pumpkin crafts, face painting, treats, swings, a pumpkin hunt, and good friends! Kristen really out-did herself!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

God's Winking

Let me tell you a very interesting thing that just happened to me. I was trying to get to my friend Kristen's blog and "accidentally" pulled up someone else's blog instead who has sort of the same blog title. So I read her most recent posting (which was only her second total). It was about coincidences in life. The kind, for instance, where you are in Keystone, CO in the Gap Outlet, about to check out, and an old college friend (one that I had just heard from Dad the week prior had resigned at his church, which my Dad found out from the Baptist Messenger) . . . again, all very random, but adds to the circumstance, I think . . . bumps into me while I wasn't looking. He and his wife had decided to come up for a little vacation while in between jobs. They were staying in Breckinridge (at least 20 or 30 minutes from where we were) and came to shop at the outlet mall. I was able to get the details from him about his job and found out that they were possibly moving to Dallas. Now, that kind of thing is exactly what this girl was talking about on her blog. She called them, God's Winks, which I like. She went on to talk more about it, but not necessarily in a spiritual fashion. She was discussing it as if life is like a computer which we are all programmed by and raised the question . . . Is it God (to paraphrase)? It caused me to think a little more about what I believe . . .

Of course, I believe, that God has a reason/purpose for everything . . . BIG. But, do I believe that the small "coincidences" are for His purpose, too? This is how I responded . . .I do believe that God is very interested in our daily lives. It is for the MYSTERY of Him that He plans these "coincidences" (as we like to call them) so that we believe He is very present, that He exists (especially to the non-believer), and that He is in control. He made us that way . . . to wonder - that is, to fill the void that is within all of us without Him, to bring the truth before our very eyes. And, I believe, that He purposes everything for His divine Glory!

Her blog reminded me that God is in to details, even my details! . . . was it an accident that stumbled on to her blog?????

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Lucy Anne's Safe Return

I picked up Lucy Anne Friday evening! I am so glad to have her home with us!!! We have had some wonderful, quality time over the past few days. I have enjoyed playing with her and talking to her. It's amazing how much her vocabulary has grown while she was gone. She has picked up and keeps picking up new sentences and phrases all of the time. Right now, my favorite is . . . "Papa's Pumpkin Patch". My dad has organized a pumpkin patch at their church which they set up while Lucy Anne was staying with them; so every time she sees a pumpkin she says "Papa's Pumpkin Patch". She is, by the way, in to assigning possession to everything and most of it is HER's! I have been so tired of hearing her say "MINE" that now when she asks me or says "MINE", I tell her, "No, that is God's and He is sharing with us". She has responded pretty well to it, I think. However, it confuses her a bit and then asks, "where is God". I told her things like, "God is in heaven" and "in your heart" . . . she looked at me insistently and said "God's at church". I agreed, thinking, I can't get much passed her. I am always amazed how much these little sponges know! Anyway, thanks mom and dad, for keeping her. She talks about her time with you a lot.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Speechless - But Random

It's hard to believe that it has been so long since I've written. I apologize to my mother who has complained! Sorry, Mom. To be honest, there hasn't been much to write about. We've just been busy with every day living. However, this past weekend Justin's whole family came to town to celebrate his dad's birthday. What a wonderful time we had. Lucy Anne and I had MiMi and PaPa all to ourselves on Friday and spent the day just talking and going to the mall. We, of course, had a great meal and drinks from Sonic. I feel bad subjecting them to my addiction. Yet, they enable me in it every time they come . . . which I love!!! That night, we went to GattiTown for Lucy. Last time we went she loved the boat and the carousel. This time she cried on the boat and the horses were broke. Poor Lucy Anne! But, I coersed Justin into riding the Virtual Roller Coaster. I loved it and laughed the whole time at Justin who wasn't feeling too well. Anyway, on Saturday the whole Fam packed the cars and caravanned to see Justin's house he's building. They were impressed, for his first house. Then, we had his dad's birthday dinner (after much deliberation) at McDonald's. We came back to our house to have cake and ice cream. Then, Lucy Anne and MiMi and PaPa left to go to OKC to trade Lucy to my parents. I cried. I did. So weird, how I've been thinking about taking Lucy to the parents alone and let me get some stuff done. I was excited to have some time for productivity yet when the time came, I cried. I have gotten quite a bit done! I miss her though. We've talked to her every night and she is having a blast! Can't wait to get her back. Well, back to the cleaning! Sorry for the boring blog. Truth is, life is a little less funny and exciting without my little one!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Lucy Anne's Imaginary Friends

Who are John and Bobby? Lucy Anne has been talking to these guys on the phone and then, the other night she prayed for John. I don't recall her really knowing anyone by these names. Obviously, she has picked them up somewhere and they must have made quite an impression.

My Favorite Time of Day

This post is inspired by my friend Alyssa's post on her blog.

My favorite time of day is Lucy Anne's bedtime! And, no, it's not because she's about to go to bed. I love it because of her bedtime routine. I love it that she calls it "night-night time" already, too. Justin and I are habitual in getting her ready for bed, and I never want to put her to bed without our time together. For instance, the day she goes to college will be her first time to experience "night-night time" any differently. At least, that's the way her I see it.

Here's why I love it. . . First, I change her diaper and put her "jammies" on. Justin brushes her teeth (and has taught her to spit)! He brings her to me to sing to her two songs in her chair. I sing "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" (she sings a solo on the Amen part, steals my heart every time - it is angelic, in her soprano voice) and "Night-Night Lucy". "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" has kind of become a theme for us, and I hope she grows up knowing and cherishing that verse and song. By the way, we cuddle each other (another favorite part) with her *blanket (see below) and pink Bible in hand. When we're finished she usually yells to Daddy "I'm ready!" Then Daddy comes in and we say our prayers together as a family. I give kisses and hugs and Daddy takes over with memory verses and Bible stories. The memory verses are hilarious and so sweet. Justin says the words and she repeats them. Right now, she is learning Genesis 1:1 and Romans 8:1 (cracks me up that Justin chose this one - I don't even know that I grasp this one totally). But, it is funny to hear her say the word "condemnation". Finally, she is put in bed, usually, without a sound. We have done this, although Justin has added the story time as she's become older, since the day she was born. I wish there were a way to pause time. Like Mary, Jesus' mother, I ponder this time in my heart.

*The Blanket Thing - Lucy Anne has only, always slept with a pink crocheted blanket that was given as a gift. She's never really seemed to be overly attached to it. She's just always had it at night and at nap times. However, when school started (there are some kids who have blankies in her class), she started wandering around the house with the tea towel off the stove saying "my blankie". So, rather than her walking around with the tea towel (yuck), I gave her a blanket that MY memaw -Lucy (Lucy Anne's name-sake) had partially sewn for my child before she passed away. My memaw died when I was 8. This blanket is also a replica of the same one I had when I was little. Lucy Anne is completely attached to it! She would carry it everywhere if I let her. Isn't that special?! Again, I cherish these things (in my heart and on my blog).