The Poe-Tell

Justin, Tiffany, Lucy Anne, and Uncle Buck (the only pet we have mounted in our room overlooking our bed)

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Location: United States

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

God's Winking

Let me tell you a very interesting thing that just happened to me. I was trying to get to my friend Kristen's blog and "accidentally" pulled up someone else's blog instead who has sort of the same blog title. So I read her most recent posting (which was only her second total). It was about coincidences in life. The kind, for instance, where you are in Keystone, CO in the Gap Outlet, about to check out, and an old college friend (one that I had just heard from Dad the week prior had resigned at his church, which my Dad found out from the Baptist Messenger) . . . again, all very random, but adds to the circumstance, I think . . . bumps into me while I wasn't looking. He and his wife had decided to come up for a little vacation while in between jobs. They were staying in Breckinridge (at least 20 or 30 minutes from where we were) and came to shop at the outlet mall. I was able to get the details from him about his job and found out that they were possibly moving to Dallas. Now, that kind of thing is exactly what this girl was talking about on her blog. She called them, God's Winks, which I like. She went on to talk more about it, but not necessarily in a spiritual fashion. She was discussing it as if life is like a computer which we are all programmed by and raised the question . . . Is it God (to paraphrase)? It caused me to think a little more about what I believe . . .

Of course, I believe, that God has a reason/purpose for everything . . . BIG. But, do I believe that the small "coincidences" are for His purpose, too? This is how I responded . . .I do believe that God is very interested in our daily lives. It is for the MYSTERY of Him that He plans these "coincidences" (as we like to call them) so that we believe He is very present, that He exists (especially to the non-believer), and that He is in control. He made us that way . . . to wonder - that is, to fill the void that is within all of us without Him, to bring the truth before our very eyes. And, I believe, that He purposes everything for His divine Glory!

Her blog reminded me that God is in to details, even my details! . . . was it an accident that stumbled on to her blog?????


Blogger Kristen OQ said...

No accident in my thinking...I love instances like that -- ones that make me stop and think about how God is always using people, places, etc. to minister to me and make me closer to Him.

4:41 PM  
Blogger hollyfouts said...

I don't think that they are accidents either. I do feel though that we are all pieces of a puzzle that is much bigger than any of us. I think sometimes we don't understand the things that happen to us because we can't see the big picture the way God does. I think that little things happen to us that we will never figure out or understand why, but they are all working together in the much bigger scheme of things.

4:02 PM  
Blogger courtney said...

hmmmmm, how is this for coincidence? I found your blog through Kristen's and read your entry. "When God Winks" is the title of a book by Squire Rushnell. The book contains many true stories about "coincidences", and most of them are really neat stories.

What's funny is I saw the author and some of the stories on the Jane Pauley Show last year. One of his stories (which I will abbreviate) was about a couple in Dallas who met through a singles group at church, but had been connected several other ways before they met and started dating. COINCIDENTALLY, my husband and I sat across and talked to this couple a few days before this aired on Jane Pauley at The Improv.

God winks!

3:20 PM  

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