The Poe-Tell

Justin, Tiffany, Lucy Anne, and Uncle Buck (the only pet we have mounted in our room overlooking our bed)

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Location: United States

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Rita, The Big Tease!

Flash a big red sign saying NO VACANCIES at the Poetel. We have had the visitors lately . . . and we love it!!! We were actually a shelter for some Houston Evacuees this past week! Yes, our good friends the Savells left Wednesday at 8:00 pm to brave the parking lot, I-45. They finally arrived at our house at 4:30 am Thursday morning. They said they stopped for only five minutes. Thankfully, Macey did great, though. Poor Rita, she just turned out to be a big tease. And isn't it weird how disapointed you are when the hurricanes fizzle out. I am thankful that we didn't have another huge disaster on our hands, but there is a little bit of you that is disapointed. I don't really understand it, but all of us here agreed we felt the same way. However, Rita turned out to be a wonderful excuse for the Savells to come see us!!! We had a great time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you love company! Also, I am glad that the Savell's were able to return to their home, although I am sure Lucy will miss Macey. Your Dad prayed that God would diminish the storm, and He heard that prayer! Aren't we thankful?

8:29 PM  
Blogger mcjacobsjournal said...

We, too, felt something weird about Rita! It's like the newscasters build it up so big and then when it's over, you feel like the end of the story was a let-down or something. That's so horrible! But, also, I feel so bad for all of those people (including the Savell's) who spent all that time driving and worrying. Thank God that He answered the prayers of so many and that people can return to their homes safe and sound.

9:18 PM  

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