The Poe-Tell

Justin, Tiffany, Lucy Anne, and Uncle Buck (the only pet we have mounted in our room overlooking our bed)

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Location: United States

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Being a Mother Makes You Strong

I just need to record what kind of day I had yesterday . . . for good measure . . . or to just remember how the Lord helps you muddle through. Not that this day or the events compare, in the least, to everyone else's. Subjectively speaking, however, it was QUITE A DAY FOR ME!

I just joined a new gym and am very excited about it. Right now, the only possible work-out time for me is 6:00 am. So, I awoke at 5:25 and scurried across town to the gym for some Pilates. After my work-out I took advantage of the alone time and stopped in Wal-Mart for some "snowed-in" food. The weathermen have been forcasting lots of ice (for three days) and possible power outages. By the way, Wal-Mart was out of most everything, including de-icer. Anywho, it felt good to get so much done before 7:30.

I must say that I am so glad that I DO NOT live in a place that has this kind of weather on a regular basis. The girls and I bundled up with coats and mittens and blankets for their well-child checks at 10:00. Have I mentioned before about how much Lucy Anne HATES the doctor "check" (that's what she calls it). And, of course, she insists that Ella "get checked" first each time we go. In her mind, I'm sure she thinks she's being quite a good sister to allow Ella to have her turn first. But, I see her motives . . ha ha! Ella's report: underweight. In the red zone. For that matter she doesn't even weigh as much as Lucy did at 4 months. Ugh! I don't have any more answers and frankly, neither did the doctor. I believe Ella eats better than Lucy did and I know she gets more of the hind milk. We just discussed giving her cereal but it was pretty much left up to me if I want to do it.

Next up for "checking" is Lucy. Her report: underweight, same story! The doctor then orders some blood work and an x-ray (Lucy often complains about her leg). She had been so excited to find out though that she excaped her Hep shot, only Ella was going to be receiving any shots. The nurse gave Ella her three shots. It was also time for her to eat so calming her down didn't happen right away. In the meantime, Lucy Anne keeps asking "are we going home"? I tried to avoid telling her about the inevitable, looming procedures that were coming her way by scurting the question. I told her in a very excited tone we were going downstairs to the basement where Mommy used to work (in college, I worked in the lab/x-ray). Ella is still screaming. I ask if we can use their auditory testing room to nurse. While I am nursing a girl tries to look at Lucy Anne's arm for a good vein. She tells me she wants to lay Lucy down. I strongly advise her against restrainment since that's the worst thing for Lucy. I thought she would do better sitting in my lap. Phleb-lady leaves and comes back with two more ladies. One with authority tries to explain to me the reasons why she wants to lay Lucy Anne down. Since I had been in their shoes before, I did not argue with them even though I knew better (however, I will know better next time for the sake of my daughter). Even though I had fed Ella halfway, she is still screaming. Poor thing in her chair all alone while four of us try to constrain my 25 lb. three year old who is as stiff as a board, kicking and screaming. A girl inserts the butterfly needle in her right arm and misses . . . she digs . . . no blood.

I cannot stand that look your child gives you. The one that says "please don't let them do this to me", "why are you holding me down like they are", "I am as pitiful as can be"! It's the one that comes when they've sort of given up a little bit, tired of fighting for only just a moment, a desperate measure that could almost work. It makes me want to cry every time.

Back to this long story, I let Lucy Anne sit up and she did not want to have to be stuck again. So, I grabbed her other arm and the turnicate from the lab tech. I wrapped it around her arm and she seemed to be much, much calmer. I found a good vein and a different lab tech poked her. Lucy Anne did soooooo much better. I know it is the restrainment that makes all the difference. By this time, one of the lab techs was holding Ella. She was finally calming down. We prepared Lucy Anne for her "pictures". And the lab tech says, "I am taking the baby to the lab". I looked at the x-ray tech and excused myself as I told her I would not let some lady I didn't know take my baby. I encouraged Lucy Anne that she could do this on her own. She seemed excited for the photo shoot, and I went out the door to be with Ella. Lucy Anne did fabulous with the x-ray. Much, much better than the last time we took x-rays of her. I finished feeding Ella and we loaded all of our bundling to go checkout . . . two hours later.

Justin shows up right as we were checking out. I was soooo happy to see him. He had been by McDonalds and we sat in my car and ate pretty much in silence. Silence is something very, very rare with Lucy Anne. Ella was sleeping. The sleet was falling. The drive home slow, yet successful.

I put the girls to bed for a nap, watched last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy and then began preparing for friends of ours to come for dinner and some Mexican Train. We had a great time. I ended this very crazy day at 12:30 am .

I know most of you have days like that or much worse and handle them with grace. For me, I must glory in Phil. 4:13 which says, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength". . . .only in HIM!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

USPS Santa

We arrived at my parents on Saturday and went to church with both sets of parents on Christmas Eve morning. We had a wonderful Sunday with a fire and card-playing (my favorite family past-time). Finally, after much discussion about Santa coming to MeMaw's house "while we're asleep", I thought we would have a traditional Santa kind-of Christmas. We opened some presents and then set out cookies and chocolate milk for Santa. However, while being put to bed, Lucy Anne decided that Santa should just send her presents by mail. Daddy agreed to tell Santa and we left it at that. A little before 7:00 Lucy Anne woke up and needed to go potty. As I was taking her to the bathroom, the wind made a classic sound of hooves on the rooftop. She stopped dead in her tracks and with terror and surprize she looked up at me to ask, "Is that Santa?" I was extremely tempted (for my fun, of course) to play in to her fears, but I said "no, just the wind." She even claimed to hear a "ho ho ho". I still chuckle. What an imagination!

It was a fun time this holiday season! Here are some pics to commemorate the festivities!

Looking Back . . .2006

What a Blessed Year! I have never experienced so much change and yet, so much joy!

Actually, I must begin my year in December 2005, where God began answering our prayers regarding when and where. Justin and I had been thinking about three particular things and in our hearts and minds, some would have to happen before others due to finances. We were praying about a new car for me, a baby, and moving. It is very interesting how out of order from first thought these three items came. First, mid-December we sort-of spur of the moment (for Justin's track record it was spur of the moment) bought a new car. Then, on the morning of December 31, found out I was pregnant. Finally, we decided it would be best to put our house up for sale once we learned we were pregnant. The house sold in two weeks (see prior Blogs) and we moved to a different state to live with Justin's parents. The move was chaotic and difficult due to a snow and ice storm. My mom and dad (with Lucy Anne) totaled their car while taking a load for us. But, we made it through and eventually got all of our belongings.

Another prayer was answered shortly after moving. I was able to concentrate on potty-training Lucy Anne. She did great and in a relatively short time she was using the potty! For me, this is one of the greater accomplishments of 2006!

In March or April of 2006, Justin bought a lot on the growing Southwest part of town to begin building his first spec house. We are overjoyed to report its completion and will be closed to the buyer on January 19th! Meanwhile, Justin has also been spending the majority of his work hours with a local, but well-known company, who makes Kicker speakers. They are building a 17 million dollar project. Justin is a consultant/project manager for them. God has abundantly blessed each part of his business this past year!

August was quite a full month for us. Justin's parents moved out of their house and we took over full occupation. This left us in a scurry to get Ella's room ready. Actually, a friend came and decorated it, as a gift. My brother was married August 11th. And on Monday, August 28th we welcomed Ella Kate into our world. She is such a joy, so sweet and fun!

Since then, we're just getting used to our new little world. We are enjoying our time being close to family and making new friends. Our world will continue to change as we consider buying some land for building our house.

It has been an amazing year. A year in which our Lord has increased our Faith and our Trust in Him "who is able to do more then we can think or ask"! All glory and honor to Him!