The Poe-Tell

Justin, Tiffany, Lucy Anne, and Uncle Buck (the only pet we have mounted in our room overlooking our bed)

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Location: United States

Friday, December 08, 2006

Snow Day - Nov. 29, 30, 2006

There is often so much hype over weather conditions in Oklahoma that I am usually quite skeptical of whether or not their predictions will actually occur. However, I must admit my excitement of being snowed in that I had Justin go to the store to get some hot chocolate, etc. Wednesday night church was cancelled and gave us some fun, family time putting up the tree, reading the Christmas story of Jesus' birth, and hot chocolate with cookies and a fire!!!! Oh, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!

So, I kept waiting and waiting for it . . . even early the next morning around 6:00 (after feeding Ella) I peeked outside to see if the ground was covered . . . nothing. Finally, around 9:00 the white stuff started falling. Around noon, both sets of parents called to see if we were experiencing "blizzard-like conditions" like the news had said. About an hour later the blizzard came. It was so beautiful!

Some of our good friends and their two kids came over. Justin and Todd went to the hill to do some sledding. They actually ended up staying the night. We all had such a wonderful time! Great, great memories!


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