The Poe-Tell

Justin, Tiffany, Lucy Anne, and Uncle Buck (the only pet we have mounted in our room overlooking our bed)

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Location: United States

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Lucy Anne and Mom's Blessings List

For a few months now, Lucy Anne and I have started a morning "quiet time" (if you can call it that with a two year old)/Bible study. I was having a hard time fitting my Bible study time in and wanted to teach Lucy Anne to get in the habit of it (since it is such a struggle for me). So, I combined the two and everyday (almost) at breakfast we read from the Little Girls and Mommys Bible. This is a wonderful gift given to us from our dear friend, Jacob Jackson when Lucy turned one! I highly recommend it. It has a Bible story, with pictures, about a woman and then adds questions and applicable story from "mommy's" past. We love it and Lucy Anne asks to read it. Anyway, we had a story about the Israelites receiving the manna from heaven and how thankful they were to God. Therefore, we made our own list and have it hanging on our frig to remind us of our Daily Blessings.

1. Gives food.
2. Gives pencils.
3. Gives bread (manna) to Israelites.
4. Gives rest/sleep.
5. Heals legs that hurt.
6. Heals runny noses, keeps us healthy.
7. Gives us the house - safety, warmth.
8. Gives convenience - cars, "pecuters" (Lucy Anne's word for computers)
9. Gives good hearts to help take care of others.
10. Gives money/jobs.

I have been so surprized at how much I get spiritually out of this time. Some times it is something new and most of the time it is just good to be reminded of the basics! The last blessing . . . 11. The time I have with God and my firstborn. By the way, Ella enjoys the Bible study from her bouncy seat!


Blogger Lisa Renee said...

That is SO cool! I guess you could maybe get one at Mardel's? I also need your latest address again. I thought I had it in my address book or in my yahoo but no. Would you PLEASE e-mail it to me?!!! I want to send you a Christmas card and gift for Ella. My e-mail just in case you don't have it anymore is

10:19 AM  

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